Monday, November 06, 2006

Men's Ministry Blog 10:24

"Blog 10:24"

It's the new shorthand for the Bethel Christian Life Center of West Lafayette, IN Men's Ministry blog.

A flash of inspiration on Sunday morning yielded a new operating name for us. As we described what we prayerfully hope to accomplish in the next year of men's ministry, Mark B. recalled Hebrews 10:24.

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on
toward love and good deeds."

Amazing what a couple of glazed donuts, a cup of coffee, a round of laughter, and a flash of inspiration will yield.

Keep that one with you this week. I realize it's one you've probably memorized a long time ago.

But meditate on it again. Chew on it. Start your day thinking of how you might live this one out in a new way. And I look forward to hearing what God reveals to you!


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