Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Night

It's election night in America and we're tracking the returns on the web and via Fox News Channel. Perhaps our house is a little odd, but we're settling in for a long night of watching the political process unfold.

Whadda ya guys think? Are you staying up to watch this? Or are you content to read about it in the paper sometime tomorrow. Perhaps you can affirm that we are one odd family...

Stories of the hour include:

* Lieberman wins a Senate race as an Independent.
* Indiana loses three contested races of three available.
* U.S. House and Senate in play for either political party.

Without really wanting to kick off a partisan conversation, I am curious to know to what extent you have ever been involved in politics. Have you ever volunteered for a candidate? Serve as an election poll worker? GOTV (Get Out the Vote) activities? Did you work/volunteer for anyone this last election cycle?

After tonight are you more, or less, inclined to volunteer or otherwise participate in the electoral process? Why?


At 8:53 AM, Blogger Steve J said...

Probably the same. Eventually I'd like to volunteer as a poll worker. Mom was the vice chair of the Republican party in Benton County. My step-dad was vice chair of the State Republican party (as I recall) and Indiana campaign chairman for Jack Kemp in his presidential attempt. Also chairman of the Putnam Co Republicans.

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Eric said...

I've had similar thoughts about volunteering as a poll worker. Let's keep that in mind as a project for 2008.


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