Friday, November 03, 2006

1st week reflections

Thanks for a good first week of the Bethel Mens Ministry blog! We continue to work out the mechanics and I appreciate those who have persevered through various technical challenges to participate in this online conversation.

One addition coming soon: Other voices.

Blogs are typically the "voice" of an individual with the opportunity for others to comment. I'm experimenting with ways to invite other Bethel men to add their own post to which we all can comment. Stick with it -- we'll learn the nuances of this together. And thanks in advance for your patience.

Phil reminds us that Saturday is the men's prayer breakfast. I hope you make that a priority. (We're tied up with Jonathan's 3rd birthday.)

And to the carload of kind souls who are going to work at Ted's 'lil cabin to winterize the place -- good luck, Godspeed, and enjoy the time working together. If you think of it, take a before and after photo to share!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Quest for Community

If you receive the Navigators publication Daily Walk for November, 2006 you've noticed a timely headline, "The Quest for Community." The publication makes the following points;

Many of us are part of a small group. Past research tells us that four out of 10 Americans belong to a small group the meets regularly and provides caring and support for its members. These are not simply informal gatherings of neighbors and friends, but organized groups: Sunday school classes, Bible study groups, ... youth groups, book discussion clubs, sports and hobby groups, and political or civic groups.

In spite of our reputation as rugged individualists, we Americans need others. We are, in fact, a nation of joiners. We are in a search for community, a sense of belonging. We are looking for what the Bible calls "fellowship."

The Navigators continue with a few other comments ends with a great Scripture verse, perhaps one that reflects what we intend for Bethel in 2007.

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another -- and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:23-25

"How-to" post a comment

As this is a new blog, it may be helpful to address how to post comments. Not all of you will want to get a blogger account (perfectly fine) but might want to comment on something.

Here are the steps to posting a comment without an account:

1) Click on comment and type the message
2) At the bottom of the comment box there are three buttons. Click the anonymous box.
3) A new box will pop up below that with letters to type in (that's a security feature). Type in the letters.
4) Click the preview button. That pulls up a shaded box with the post.
5) At that point you can choose to edit or publish the comment. Click publish and it will be added to the comments.

The key is to add your name to the text of your message -- otherwise we won't know who posted the comment.

Hope this helps.

P.S. - Still looking for comments on bagels vs. donuts for Sunday. Lemme know what you'd prefer!

Top 5: High Points & Trial Points

In the Promise Keepers workbook, The Making of A Godly Man, the author proposes an exercise to chart your life's five greatest "high points" and life's five greatest "trial points."

Can I make the stereotype that we are not inclined to a great deal of introspection? But I believe there is value in taking time to look back at our lives to identify times and places where God has walked with us. Sometimes it is on the mountain top. Other times it is in the valley.

We have a Creator who joins us in the journey -- and I look forward to hearing your own testimony of how He has proved Himself faithful in your life.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Chrysler Takes Its Cars to Church

In the category of quirky but true: DaimlerCrysler is turning to churches for help in selling cars.

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal reported that the car maker is hosting one-day vehicle test drives at megachurches in Chicago, Philly and Los Angeles in connection with a gospel concert tour by singer Patti LaBelle.

Does it make you feel any better to learn that for every test drive taken, the company will donate $5 to the University of Pennsylvania's Abramson Cancer Center?

I'm thinking we've identified a fundraising opportunity for our next building project...

Donuts or bagels?

When the new quarter starts in December, our own Mark Balschweid will lead a discussion on Sunday morning. It is my understanding that he intends to ask various guys in the church to share their testimony and life experience. I like the idea and look forward to the conversation!

Until then, we'll keep looking for weekly volunteers. I'm on deck for this Sunday and plan to continue our conversation on men's ministry and a few thoughts for 2007.

Perhaps the most important question for this Sunday; bagels or donuts? Lemme know your preference and I'll plan accordingly.